Monday, October 24, 2011

Lesson #39 lm3 Recognizing our Individual Worth

My Laurel Adviser taught this lesson today. She had a little "letter" she has saved from when she was in Young womens. She gave all the girls a copy. I thought it was so sweet and went perfect with the lesson. At the beginning of class she had the girls anonymously write nice things about each other. We read them later in the lesson and the girls all loved hearing the nice things that were said. I just typed it up so it would be 4x6''. I have been trying to keep most handouts that size. They are easy to print, and I thought the girls could keep them all in a little photo album.
Just click on picture. Then right click and save to your computer.

I also thought this could be cute for halloween. Either give apples or a mirror.
This talk went well with it.
I got the image from googleimages


HighDesertGal said...

Thank you so much for sharing this handout. The one in my family who is not remembering this right now is so ill that she feels of no worth to anyone; and yet I can't share until she can get to a better place mentally. I can pray.

Jana said...

Thank you! This handout idea for the mirror is PERFECT for my lesson, tomorrow. Appreciate it!