For the last month we have had our YW work on Temple Time Capsules. We encouraged them to not open them until they are engaged to be married.
(temple picture found HERE I added the ingredient part. It can be found below)
We checked out a Canner from our Local Cannery to Seal the cans. The girls thought this was sooo cool.
After a month of gathering and making things to put in their cans we had a combined YW activity to seal the cans. It was such a fun night. We made it like a mock wedding reception
Here is the invite. I found this cute gold and embossed card at walmart for super cheap!
Then just printed the info on gold velum
I had the leaders bring their wedding dresses. It was so fun to see all the different styles. My mom had a bunch of doors we have used for wedding. They were perfect to hang the dresses on.
We had chicken salad sandwiches, fruit, and alittle candy "bar". I picked a few fresh flowers from Janes garden just to help pretty up the place
I also had the leaders bring wedding pictures. The girls thought this was so fun!
The Miamaids had fun activity for us. They had all the leaders sit at this table. They asked us questions about dating/marriage.
ex. What is our favorite date, how did we know we were in love, How can they prepare to be married in the temple, How our husbands proposed, etc...
Here are a few of the sheets we had the girls fill out before hand.
(just right click and save to your computer to print)
We took pictures of the girls at the temple to put in their can.
I printed these labels on Shipping Labels I found at Walmart. You can get 2 to a page. They are an Avery product. Each label measures 5.5''x8.5''
For a combined activity we had the girls make wedding Collages. I went to local bridal shops and got old catalogues and magazines. I also went to paint stores to get paint chip cards. We had the girls put what cakes, dresses, rings, colors, etc... on their collages. It was a great opportunity to also talk about modesty and virtue. I also went to the distribution center and got a few free articles, and pamphlets about happy marriages written by the prophets. I also grabbed a couple things about finance and virtue.
We also made Temple Recommend holders. I just got plastic badge holders from walmart for $1.50 for a pack of 8. And bought a little temple picture card at the Distribution center. I had the girls write a note to themselves on the back of the card.
The Laurels made cute little handkerchief dresses. I found a tutorial here. 

We didn't tell the girls but we also had their parents, leaders, and the bishop write them all letters. I told them it could be anything. A letter with their testimony of the temple, a thank you card, a congratulations note. I think the girls will love this.
The Beehives made a cute little heart bracelets. I forgot to take a picture sorry. They had an activity at BYU where one of their dads works and they got to make these amazing wooden discs for each of the girls and leaders. How cool is that?
It was a great night. My SIL had done it a few months ago with her YW and I have been excited to do it for months. The girls all had a great time and I know it will be an activity that was meaningful and that they will remember!