Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lesson # 17 lm2 Family History

I found this cute "MY STORY" journal idea on BECKY HIGGINS blog a while ago and had saved it to my computer for future use. It is such an easy, cute way to journal life. She also has done one that is geared more for adults. The ones I printed were geared for TEENS. Becky Higgins put hers in a binder (1/2 sized binder 5.5''x8.5'') I found some at Office Max but the were $5.99 each. A little more than I was wanting to spend so I had mine spiral bound for $1.99.
See HERE to see what the inside of the journals look like!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the format of the journals. They actually looked fun to fill out!! Of course you decorated them up cute. Jane
