Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lesson #15 lm2 Temple Marriage

I found some little business card holders a while ago and knew I'd use them sometime for a lesson. These were the little cards I put inside.
Some of the quotes I found here.

I put their names on the outside as well as April 2010 because I wanted them to fill out the cards on how they feel right now.

The Ingredient cards I asked the girls to write things about their future husbands that are a must for temple marriage (honoring their priesthood, a member of the church etc...)
And the Icing cards I asked the girls to write things about their future husbands that weren't really necessary for a temple marriage but a bonus (white teeth, sense of humor etc..)
I saw the ingredient/icing idea HERE under "lesson helps"
The card with the picture of the ring I told them to describe or cut out a picture of what they want their ring to look like.
The card with the picture of the temple I told them to write what temple they would like to get married in.
On the outside of the little holder I mod podged a picture of the temple and wrote "I'm going there some day"

1 comment:

  1. I want to see the card holders. They will be so cute I'm sure!!
