Monday, December 13, 2010

Give-away #2

This give-away is over
Okay guys you know the drill. Leave me a comment with what Item you hope to win. I will draw a random winner out of a hat, and mail the winner the item they wanted.

The give-away will end
FRIDAY DECEMBER 17th at 9:00 pm

#1 a crayon roll. perfect for church, car, playroom, etc.

#2 a "good job" white erase board (tell me what color you want)

#3 an "ugly" buzz doll. Made of felt.

#4 mystery prize. I will choose your prize. It could be something seen on the blog already or something you haven't seen yet (:

Good luck!


  1. Hey, hey, hey!! I am excited to get in on the give-away!! I would LOVE the crayon roll! Absolutely perfect for church! You are so dang crafty!

  2. You rock, J-ME! I love all of your fun, creative and cute stuff you are making these much so, like I said I'm going to attempt to make some of your jewelry trays. I only hope they turn out as cute as yours! I love all of your adorable give-aways! Thanks for letting us have a chance to win!!! I too love the crayon roll....or would love to see what the 'mystery gift' has to offer! :) THANKS Jamie, for being so awesome!

  3. I would love the CRAYON ROLL! You are so talented!

  4. As your favorite cousin Im feeling a little neglected and think I should just win by default. I would love the crayon roll or the Good Job board. Hint, Hint, I know who your parents are and I know where you live
