Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lesson #42 lm2 Gratitude & Appreciation

My friend showed me this adorable tutorial {see here} a while ago and it went perfect with the lesson. The tutorial even comes with a printable pattern. Instead of putting it on a clip, i put it on a pony tail holder. And I only sewed the middle bud part. The rest I just used the glue gun to save me a little time! I was suprised at how quick they came together. I made 10 of them in an hour.
I gave each girl a real rose, and challenged them to give it to someone in the ward to tell them thank you for something.
I loved this quote.
I think it was a great reminder not to look at what we don't have but to be thankful for all the things we do have!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I LOVE these! Now I'm going to look at all your YW stuff. That quote is lovely. How did you make the roses (or can this be a craft I buy?)
