Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Girls Camp Part 2

I had such a great time at Girls Camp. What good girls our ward has. Before we went we all spray painted t-shirts to wear. So much easier, and cleaner than Tie-dying! I forgot my camera so I only have a pic from my phone.

I made some signs to hang on the cabin doors. This was the Leaders cabin

The girls cabin. I had some of that sticky mirror stuff you use to replace your car mirrors (they sell it at walmart for a couple bucks) So I put it on the princess's face so they could see themselves.

The theme of camp was "Sole Sisters" so each ward was a different shoe. We were a Hiking boot. Each ward also had a value we were Integrity and the color purple. One of our leaders made an acronym for HIKER (Highest Integrity Kindles Eternal Rewards).


  1. I want the Queen Quarters poster for my Studio!!!!!! Jane

  2. Do you by chance have a list what shoes the other wards were? Email me at crash7783@hotmail.com

  3. Do you know what shoes the other wards were? Email me at crash7783@hotmail.com
