Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lesson #10 & #11 lm2 Blessings of the Priesthood & Appreciating the Bishop

I taught both of these lessons this week. And since both lessons were about the men in our church I made these cute little paper shirts for their handout. I thought it would be fun but I had no idea how to make one so I just looked up Paper shirt on You Tube. This was the clip I found the easiest to follow SEE HERE
On the back of the shirt I glued this little paper that had things we are blessed with because of the priesthood. It was the list found in the manual. I used an 8.5''x11'' paper for the shirt and a 4''x4'' paper for the paper to glue.
I then taught the girls how to make the little shirts and told them to write a thank-you note to either the bishop or their dads.


  1. Jamie, Thanks so much for all of the darling YW ideas! You are my Sugardoodle! :)

  2. Those shirts are so dang cute!! Love, Jane P.S. Teach me how

  3. These shirts are so cute and easy to make. The YM & YW made them at a mutual activity to give out for Father's Day. There is a great video for making both the shirt and tie at

  4. How did you make the ties! Such a cute idea!

  5. I have updated the video.the old link was not longer valid.

    Sarah&Brett- I just cut them out of paper, I don't have a pattern or anything. Just kind of eye balled it.
