Thursday, April 17, 2014

S.T.A.R.S Girls camp Kick-off party

We had our annual Girls Camp Kick Off  for YW. 
This is the night we introduce the theme, have parents fill out paperwork, give them an outline of certification nights, make their camp journals, discuss camp rules, and introduce the YCL's. It is a fun but very productive evening. 
We have Stake camp every year. This year the stake has chosen S.T.A.R.S
Shining Together As Righteous Sisters.
Each ward is given a Color/Value. We are GOLD isn't that perfect for a Stars theme?!
I was asked to decorate (my favorite part)

I wanted to make things that we could also pack up to decorate up at camp. 
I bought a 5 pack of these thin Canvas boards at Michaels (they were $14.99 but I used a 50% coupon) I taped off stripes and painted with black acrylic paint. I then modpodged Gold Glitter stars. Then put a layer of mod podge over it all so it will clean up nice. On the thicker Stripe I painted 2 coats of chalkboard paint. That way if at Camp we want to write different things each day we can. (Or if I want to use them for a bday party or something I can). You can't really see in the picture but I also drilled 2 holes in the top so we can hang these on a rope up at camp.
 I used one of my ruffle tents I sell for a little "camping" decoration. I didn't get a picture but I also had cute Metal lanterns with light up candles in them. I cut out about 1 billion stars and strung them on twine. I laminated them at a local copy store so that they would survive and still look nice for camp. And also just in case it rains at camp. I found these cardboard letters (they are probably at least 3/4'' thick) at Hobby Lobby for a buck! I then just \modpodged gold glitter on them.

We kept the food pretty simple but it was YUMMY. We had  Peanut Butter S'more bars. We found the Recipe at

I also am currently obsessed with these tissue paper tassel garlands. They are cheap, easy and look so dang cute! 

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