Monday, February 28, 2011

Something Blue

Jane and I did a wedding this last weekend. We went with a vintage theme, and ran with it. Jane spent hours and hours painting, gluing, sanding, sewing, drawing, collecting, and planning. It all came together beautifully. We hadn't seen the church and were pleasantly surprised when we walked in and the church was almost the exact blue we had chosen. When everything was set up you forgot you were in the cultural hall (: Thanks to all our "mules" that helped us haul, and put everything together.


  1. The is so my dream wedding I loved everything you both are so talented

  2. I am in awe (once again) at your and your mother's talents! Amazing. And I am so jealous of this lucky bride and groom.

  3. This wedding decor was amazing - I love everything about it. Emily was just hear and showed me your blog. She also brought the cutest camera strap to me that I have ever seen - thank you so much!! I can't wait to get it on my camera. SO glad I have found your cute blog and all your wonderful ideas. Just makes me wish I was still in Young Women's!!!

  4. So cute! Where do you get all your old doors? I love it!

  5. Jana, We got the doors at that habitat for humanity store RESTORE in orem. It's by target. It's like a building supply Di (:

  6. Jam, what a cute blog. I love this sort of stuff!!!

  7. Wow, where are you located? Do you have a blog or something about your weddings? This looks so close to what my sister is wanting!
