Thursday, September 2, 2010

By Small and Simple things

Jane's stakes theme for 2010 is By Small and Simple Things. She wanted to do something to go along with the theme. Muslin is such a basic simple fabric so she decided to have a Challenge (See here) for the RS ladies in her ward. I was amazed at the creativity they all put in to this activity. That night you could see how proud everyone was for accomplishing things THEY didn't even know they could do.Some ladies even dyed their muslin with blueberry/plum skins, and coffee. They had an ice cream sundae bar for dessert, and all the ladies had a fun fun night!

I didn't take a picture of the invites but they were so stinkin cute. I found some online HERE. I still can't believe they made 100 of those cute invites.

I loved this gorgeous pillow. She used coffee to die her muslin a little darker .

This magnet board is so cute, and would look so perfect in a Kitchen. I loved the utensil magnets. This talented sister made this adorable baby blanket the day of the activity.

Jane learned to crotchet just for this challenge. So I designed a dress for her to make for my little girl Brighty. I'm pretty dang lucky to have such a talented mom! THANKS!!

Click on the collage to see all the other fabulous projects.

1 comment:

  1. Those photos are so fun!!! Thanks Jamie for all of you help with the night!!!!! And all of the set-up-design) love, Jane
