Saturday, January 23, 2010

YW lesson #3 lm2 Building the Kingdom of God

Since the lesson was on BUILDING the Kingdom of God I went to Home Depot and bought a 4x4 to use for my handouts. I had them cut the board every 6''. So each block ended up only costing me $0.40. I just sanded each block and painted it black. I then went and took a picture of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple, and printed a quote & scripture I liked from the lesson. (I printed them all 3''x5'' to fit on the block. I mod podged an image on each side of the block. On the top I used a rub-on to put the girls name.

I found the cute image below HERE it is the YW theme for 2010.

For the lesson this week, we played a game I found HERE if you go to the site she has a printable version of the game board and game cards. Super Cute, and it was fun to do something different for the lesson.


  1. WHAAAAAAA?????

    "Yeah, I just bought a 4xwhatever, sanded it, painted it, cut it with a saw, cut out like 9 million cute pics and quotes and somehow attached them to all sides of every masterpiece.

    And this was my 'handout' for this week's lesson."

    Holy. Crap. That would've been my YW's super duper special end-of-year gift if they earned their medallion or something! And mine would've probably been butt ugly! You are amazing!!!

  2. those are gorgeous! you have very lucky girls.
