Monday, September 21, 2009

YW lesson #34 lm1 Worthy Thoughts

I put a candy watch in each of the little boxes. We had a little time at the end of the lesson so I taught the girls how to make boxes.
I thought the box would help tie in the Banana and Monkey Story by President Kimball
Ensign June 1976
"I am reminded of an article I read some years ago about a group of men who had gone to the jungles to capture monkeys. They tried a number of different things to catch the monkeys, including nets. But finding that the nets could injure such small creatures, they finally cam upon an ingenious solution. They built a large number of small boxes, and in the top of each they bored a hole just large enough for a monkey to get his hand into. They then set these boxes out under the trees and in each one they put a nut that the monkeys were particularly fond of.
When the men left, the monkeys began to come down from the trees and examine the boxes. Finding that there were nuts to be had, they reached into the boxes to get them. But when a monkey would try to withdraw his hand with the nut, he could not get his hand out of the box because his little fist, with the nut inside, was now too large.
At about this time, the men would come out of the underbrush and converge on the monkeys. And the men coming, they would shriek and scramble about with the thought of escaping; but as easy as it would have been, they would not let go of the nut so that they could withdraw their hands from the boxes and thus escape. The men captured them easily.
And so it often seems to be with people, having such a firm grasp on things of the world -- that which is telestial -- that no amount of urging and no degree of emergency can persuade them to let go in favor of that which is celestial. Satan gets them in his grip easily. If we insist on spending all our time and resources building up for ourselves in worldly kingdom, that is exactly what we will inherit.
In spite of our delight in defining ourselves as modern, and our tendency to think we possess a sophistication that no people in the past ever had -- in spite of these things, we are, on the whole, an idolatrous people -- a condition most repugnant to the Lord.
. . . It may seem a little difficult at first, but when a person begins to catch a vision of the true work when he begins to see something of eternity in its true perspective, the blessings begin to far outweigh true perspective, the blessings begin to far outweigh the cost of leaving "the world" behind.
Herein lies the only true happiness, and therefore we invite and welcome all men, everywhere, to join in this work. For those who are determined to serve the Lord at all costs, this is the way to eternal life. All else is but a means to that end."


  1. Do you have the instructions to make the box?

  2. Thanks for this handout. This lesson is particularly challenging; this fits very nicely with the direction I'm going to take it.

  3. @deborah
    Here is a youtube link with a tutorial on how to make the box. It looks harder than it actually is. Once you make the first one they are Super Easy!
